
I started on my journey to become a body worker while living in Amsterdam. There I met and studied, for four years, with Reiki Master, Alida Bos to become Reiki I and II certified. Inspired to help my Golden Retriever, Dakota, (who had hip dysplasia, yet still managed to enjoy his world travels) I moved to Orlando, FL to attend human massage school.

While a student at Central Florida School of Massage Therapy by night, I worked days as a canine hydrotherapist. During that year and a half in school, I compared and contrasted the anatomy of canines and humans nearly every day. Working intuitively over the course of four years, I developed a comprehensive canine rehabilitation regimen based on human massage modalities including cranio sacral therapy to help dogs who seizure.

 In 2010, Puppy Love Therapy was born. It has grown to include dogs in all stages of life. I have worked with three day old wolf hybrid puppies born with neurological disabilities at a wolf rescue. I have also had the honor of holding my own best friend and traveling partner, Dakota, (a few weeks shy of 14) as he took his last breath and ascended. Dakota did not leave this earth until he taught me just how much we can help one another.
Puppy Love Therapy is about that One Love.


P.S. Feel free to contact me if you have any questions and/or would like more information on how I may be able to help you loved pup.
Here's my phone number: 407-4855683
and email address: puppylovetherapy@yahoo.com

What are the benefits of massage and body work?

Different massage modalities are used based on the needs of your dog. Some, for example, can help speed the recovery time of the muscles and release spasm in congested muscles. Body work such lymphatic drainage reduces inflammation, range of motion increases flexibility in the skeletal and muscular systems.